Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day Two (19:00)

Just woke up after a lovely nap through what was probably a lovely sunset.  Room is bloody cold now.
Last night ventured into town to have a look at what happens after dark and to find something nice to eat.  Restaurant across the road looked perfect but concluded that was too easy; walked around for ages and ended up at an Italian in a shopping mall.  Food was OK.

Hassled twice in the dark by dodgy-looking beggars speaking perfect English.  Sad and a little scary – both demanded I buy them dinner.  Female beggar might have got somewhere with a more subtle chat-up line; male beggar not my type.

Hotel TV works late and through night (as does heater) so seem to be on some sort of timer.  Follow wire.  All rooms have separate wire going out and across the corridor ceiling so all must be on timer.  Assume hotel owner must be Scottish or from Yorkshire.

Woke up at 6:00 to see it was still dark and raining.  Had breakfast at 8:00.  Selection of bread, plastic cornflakes, rubbery cheese, ham , jam and artificial orange juice.  Have everything but the ham.  

Get on metro network  to see some sights in the rain.  See girl being slapped by large man in Ray Bans.  Large man has several slightly less large men around him also wearing Ray Bans.  Sunglasses unnecessary underground so assume criminal intentions.  Look at them and frown and tut.  Girl escapes, I spend rest of journey looking over shoulder.

Reach Estádio do Dragão.  Take photos between rain showers.  Large but not much open space around it (sandwiched between motorway and other developments) so photos limited.  Can see inside, but not down to pitch level.  Tickets for sale still for European game Wednesday night. Lots of old men rush to ticket office, with wives standing by their tartan shopping trolleys, looking on disapprovingly. Hang around mulling on whether to get tickets; decide Braga is main objective and walk away.  

Go back to town, look at shops.  See smartly dressed middle-aged lady again, who was dancing in the street yesterday.  Not dancing today, so assume it’s her day off.  Stop off at hotel.  Then go out again.   Sunny now.

Catch tram over Luis Spence Bridge.  Amazing views.   
Get off on other side and walk around, admiring more amazing views.  Have a pee in an underground toilet then go and look at views a bit more.  Take lots of photos from slightly different angles.  Walk back over bridge, taking photos and looking at views.  Lots of other people doing the same.

Get to other side and see little alleys and streets built right up to and under the bridge.  Have a wonder around and take photos of quant run-down streets snaking beneath top deck of bridge (like Todmorden); probably piss off locals who live in run down houses in the process.  

Tilt head for better view

All dogs and cats here seem to have fleas and/or missing eyes - this is social deprovation at first hand!  Feel like a photo journalist.

I spy... something beginning with the letter B!
Have a lovely lunch at a nice restaurant on quayside, looking towards bridge.  Language barrier means eating food in good faith – certainly seems vegetarian -  very nice so must be OK.  Lovely in fact.  Never had whatever it was before, so must find out what it was, as very enjoyable.  Sun is now fully out by this time so have large beer and soak up warm sunshine. Wish I had Ray Bans too.  

Old woman comes out of souvenir shop next door, thumping broom on ground and shouting at restaurant owner next door.  Suspect dispute over allocated street space.  Woman seems nuts: try not to make eye contact.

Impetuous waiter brings me the bill before I ask for it, finish beer and leave 10cent tip.

Walk further down river than yesterday.  First on one side, then back and back over bridge and up and down the other.  Lots of lovely sunshine.  Cable car system being built for the other side looks very useful.   Take more photos:  How many photos can one take of a bridge? 

 Catch funicular railway back up to town, look at some shops.  See bookshop noticed last night in dark.  Take photos of great interior – brother would love this, even if all books are in Portuguese.  

Realize I’ve spent most of the day walking around and taking photos.

Wondering if dinner should be taken across the road or if I should walk around aimlessly again.

Train to Braga in the morning.  Centrally located hotel already booked.  Hope Braga Stadium Tour people got my email asking for a tour (website said you have to ask beforehand).

 Notice to readers:  I don't know why but the blog website doesn't seem to notice that I've rotated my pictures on the PC.  Apologies for those with sore necks or limitited mobility and/or interest.

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